Unfortunately, we start to process your order as soon as we receive it. Therefore, we cannot make changes to an order once it’s been submitted.
If you change your mind after placing your order, you may return any items that comply with our Return Policy within 30 days of receipt of your order, and are in saleable condition.
If you notice your personal details are incorrect once you have placed your order, please contact our customer service team by visiting our Contact Us page.
When you place an order you will receive an email from us. The order acknowledgement will contain your order number and order details. Please note that this is only to acknowledge that your order has been received and is not a confirmation that your purchase has been made. When your goods have been sent to you, your card will be charged and we will send you a delivery confirmation email, including delivery details and tracking information.
Alternately, you can log into your account and check your Order History in the My Account section.
The following payment options are available:
- Debit/Credit cards: VISA, Mastercard
- Paypal
- Over the counter/Bank counter/ATM
- Direct debit via online banking: Bangkok Bank, Siam Commercial Bank, Krungthai Bank, Krungsri Bank, Kasikorn Bank